Saturday, April 20, 2013

Aromatherapy Shower Discs

You may have heard, there has recently been some stressful activities in Boston, MA, USA. I work in a public high school which was extremely impacted by these events. To offer some support for our care takers, I threw together a craft project inspired by a pin I saw on Pinterest.

The pin I started from didn't offer much in the way of measurements. I used about two boxes of baking soda, and about a cup of water. I then added lavender and chamomile oils liberally.
 Close for a view of the consistency.

 This was the outcome.

Finally, the card I'll put in front of the individually wrapped discs.  (I plan to wrap them in cellophane and leave them in a bowl.)
One of my mentors in graduate school recently fell ill. In an effort to alleviate her discomfort, I put together this care package: 100% alpaca blanket, and aromatherapy hot/cold packs. Directions for hot/cold packs here. I used whole flaxseed, chamomile and lavender essential oils.